Orotracheal intubation utilizing a Macintosh laryngoscope blade is the most common method for securing the airway. However, direct laryngoscopy produces a poor view in up to 7% of cases. When visualization of airway structures is compromised, it is common (70%) for intubation to be rendered more difficult. Difficulty viewing the airway with a conventional laryngoscope blade (Miller or Macintosh) also leads to ineffective teaching as an observer must lean over the shoulder of the operator to catch a glimpse of important structures and relationships.
Recently, video-capable laryngoscopes that capture images from beyond the tip of the blade and display them on monitors have improved teaching and learning. An ability to demonstrate anatomy and factors making ventilation, visualization and intubation difficult as well as manipulations that improve conditions contribute to an enhanced teaching/learning experience.
The Storz DCI video laryngoscope system is one of the several airway devices on the market that incorporate video capability into the blades. The Storz DCI intergrates a fiberoptic bundle in the standard Macintosh blade. A CCD (charge coupled device) camera housed in the laryngoscope handle produces the images. The Storz DCI Video Laryngoscope has been used successfully in difficult airways, bariatric, thoracic,and pediatric surgeries.
Storz Videos
Storz Case 1
Storz Case 2
Storz Case 3
Storz Case 4
Storz Case 5
Storz Case 6
Storz Case 7
Fuente: University of Florida
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