01 julio 2007

Regional Anesthesia Teaching Modules with Text, Images, Videos/Movies & Audio/Sound

REGIONAL ANESTHESIA (WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER) - Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine Medical Center Multimedia Clinical Skills & Clinical Procedures: Regional Anesthesia Teaching Modules (Text, Images, Videos/Movies & Audio/Sound).
    "...Provides emergency clinicians with an online instructional resource, including video, describing clincially relevant peripheral nerve blocks..."
    Regional Anesthesia Teaching Modules include:
      "...Materials and Local Anesthetics;
      The Digital Block; Hand (Median nerve, Ulnar nerve, etc.);
      Foot (Deep Peroneal Nerve, Posterior Tibial Nerve, etc.);
      Face (Supraorbital nerve, Supratrochlear nerve, etc.);
      Femoral Nerve block..."
    For more information see Clinical Resources or the Department of Emergency Medicine

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