Anesthesiology Journals
ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA - International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology (ISAP) Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images). For more information see the International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE - Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Australia Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images). For more information see Australian Society of Anaesthetists
ANESTHESIOLOGY - American Society of Anesthesiologists Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images). For more information see American Society of Anesthesiologists
ANNALES FRANÇAISE D'ANESTHÉSIE ET DE RÉANIMATION - Société Française d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation (French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care), Paris, France Multimedia Anesthesiology Journall (Text & Images). For more information see Société Française d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation (SFAR)
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY - The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia & Published by: Oxford University Press Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images). For more information see Oxford Journals or the Royal College of Anaesthetists
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA - Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canada Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images). For more information see Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society
TECHNIQUES IN REGIONAL ANESTHESIA & PAIN MANAGEMENT - W.B. Saunders Company, Elsevier Inc. Multimedia Anesthesiology Journal (Text & Images).
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